SEO and WordPress


WordPress is one of the most popular platforms out there offering a user friendly content management system where it becomes simple to build a search engine friendly site. Most of us limit WordPress to a blogging site, which is not the case as it’s a place where you can build common websites for your businesses as well. On the other hand, you can also take advantage of the hundreds of plugins available exclusively to make it a more convenient and useful site. Here are few points to consider for SEO and WordPress success:


  1. Include Keywords in Page URL: Most search engines would prefer to see the keywords you are aiming at in the page URL. Although it isn’t mandatory but it can be a plus point. One way to do it on wordpress is to visit the permalinks section and opt for a custom structure for every post you publish on the site. Instead of a numeric you can opt for including keywords in the name of the page.
  2. Take Advantage of Plugins: Make sure you are using at least one plugin that assists in optimizing your wordpress site’s pages. You can make use of Yoast, Scribe or others you find useful for your site’s purpose. Plugins can inform you immediately about any errors that need to be fixed and so on.
  3. Building Links: Optimising your WordPress site by making use of plugins and using the right keywords is just job half done. You also need to build relevant links that connect to your new content. Before you publish a post, visit a search engine and look for already available content relevant to your new or existing post and link them to your content. You can also hire an expert who knows how to implement the best strategy for SEO and WordPress to get your site more visibility.